Small Transformers Compute Universal Metric Embeddings
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- Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2022 17:12:41 GMT
- Title: Small Transformers Compute Universal Metric Embeddings
- Authors: Anastasis Kratsios, Valentin Debarnot, Ivan Dokmani\'c
- Abstract summary: We derive embedding guarantees for feature maps implemented by small neural networks.
We prove that a transformer of depth about $nlog(n)$ and width about $n2$ can embed any $n$-point dataset from $mathcalX$ with low metric distortion.
- Score: 25.004650816730543
- License:
- Abstract: We study representations of data from an arbitrary metric space $\mathcal{X}$
in the space of univariate Gaussian mixtures with a transport metric (Delon and
Desolneux 2020). We derive embedding guarantees for feature maps implemented by
small neural networks called \emph{probabilistic transformers}. Our guarantees
are of memorization type: we prove that a probabilistic transformer of depth
about $n\log(n)$ and width about $n^2$ can bi-H\"{o}lder embed any $n$-point
dataset from $\mathcal{X}$ with low metric distortion, thus avoiding the curse
of dimensionality. We further derive probabilistic bi-Lipschitz guarantees
which trade off the amount of distortion and the probability that a randomly
chosen pair of points embeds with that distortion. If $\mathcal{X}$'s geometry
is sufficiently regular, we obtain stronger, bi-Lipschitz guarantees for all
points in the dataset. As applications we derive neural embedding guarantees
for datasets from Riemannian manifolds, metric trees, and certain types of
combinatorial graphs.
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