Overparameterized ReLU Neural Networks Learn the Simplest Models: Neural
Isometry and Exact Recovery
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.15265v2
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2022 05:00:43 GMT
- Title: Overparameterized ReLU Neural Networks Learn the Simplest Models: Neural
Isometry and Exact Recovery
- Authors: Yifei Wang, Yixuan Hua, Emmanuel Cand\'es, Mert Pilanci
- Abstract summary: Deep learning has shown that neural networks generalize remarkably well even with an extreme number of learned parameters.
We consider the training and generalization properties of two-layer ReLU networks with standard weight decay regularization.
We show that ReLU networks learn simple and sparse models even when the labels are noisy.
- Score: 33.74925020397343
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The practice of deep learning has shown that neural networks generalize
remarkably well even with an extreme number of learned parameters. This appears
to contradict traditional statistical wisdom, in which a trade-off between
model complexity and fit to the data is essential. We set out to resolve this
discrepancy from a convex optimization and sparse recovery perspective. We
consider the training and generalization properties of two-layer ReLU networks
with standard weight decay regularization. Under certain regularity assumptions
on the data, we show that ReLU networks with an arbitrary number of parameters
learn only simple models that explain the data. This is analogous to the
recovery of the sparsest linear model in compressed sensing. For ReLU networks
and their variants with skip connections or normalization layers, we present
isometry conditions that ensure the exact recovery of planted neurons. For
randomly generated data, we show the existence of a phase transition in
recovering planted neural network models. The situation is simple: whenever the
ratio between the number of samples and the dimension exceeds a numerical
threshold, the recovery succeeds with high probability; otherwise, it fails
with high probability. Surprisingly, ReLU networks learn simple and sparse
models even when the labels are noisy. The phase transition phenomenon is
confirmed through numerical experiments.
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