Learning from the Dark: Boosting Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
with Diverse Negative Samples
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.00728v1
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2022 06:14:21 GMT
- Title: Learning from the Dark: Boosting Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
with Diverse Negative Samples
- Authors: Wei Duan, Junyu Xuan, Maoying Qiao, Jie Lu
- Abstract summary: Graphs have a large, dark, all-but forgotten world in which we find the non-neighbouring nodes (negative samples)
We show that this great dark world holds a substantial amount of information that might be useful for representation learning.
Our overall idea is to select appropriate negative samples for each node and incorporate the negative information contained in these samples into the representation updates.
- Score: 19.588559820438718
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (GCNs) has been generally accepted to be
an effective tool for node representations learning. An interesting way to
understand GCNs is to think of them as a message passing mechanism where each
node updates its representation by accepting information from its neighbours
(also known as positive samples). However, beyond these neighbouring nodes,
graphs have a large, dark, all-but forgotten world in which we find the
non-neighbouring nodes (negative samples). In this paper, we show that this
great dark world holds a substantial amount of information that might be useful
for representation learning. Most specifically, it can provide negative
information about the node representations. Our overall idea is to select
appropriate negative samples for each node and incorporate the negative
information contained in these samples into the representation updates.
Moreover, we show that the process of selecting the negative samples is not
trivial. Our theme therefore begins by describing the criteria for a good
negative sample, followed by a determinantal point process algorithm for
efficiently obtaining such samples. A GCN, boosted by diverse negative samples,
then jointly considers the positive and negative information when passing
messages. Experimental evaluations show that this idea not only improves the
overall performance of standard representation learning but also significantly
alleviates over-smoothing problems.
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