Bayesian Q-learning With Imperfect Expert Demonstrations
- URL:
- Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2022 17:38:19 GMT
- Title: Bayesian Q-learning With Imperfect Expert Demonstrations
- Authors: Fengdi Che, Xiru Zhu, Doina Precup, David Meger, and Gregory Dudek
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel algorithm to speed up Q-learning with the help of a limited amount of imperfect expert demonstrations.
We evaluate our approach on a sparse-reward chain environment and six more complicated Atari games with delayed rewards.
- Score: 56.55609745121237
- License:
- Abstract: Guided exploration with expert demonstrations improves data efficiency for
reinforcement learning, but current algorithms often overuse expert
information. We propose a novel algorithm to speed up Q-learning with the help
of a limited amount of imperfect expert demonstrations. The algorithm avoids
excessive reliance on expert data by relaxing the optimal expert assumption and
gradually reducing the usage of uninformative expert data. Experimentally, we
evaluate our approach on a sparse-reward chain environment and six more
complicated Atari games with delayed rewards. With the proposed methods, we can
achieve better results than Deep Q-learning from Demonstrations (Hester et al.,
2017) in most environments.
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