Structure Representation Network and Uncertainty Feedback Learning for
Dense Non-Uniform Fog Removal
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- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2022 17:10:57 GMT
- Title: Structure Representation Network and Uncertainty Feedback Learning for
Dense Non-Uniform Fog Removal
- Authors: Yeying Jin, Wending Yan, Wenhan Yang, Robby T. Tan
- Abstract summary: We introduce a structure-representation network with uncertainty feedback learning.
Specifically, we extract the feature representations from a pre-trained Vision Transformer (DINO-ViT) module to recover the background information.
To handle the intractability of estimating the atmospheric light colors, we exploit the grayscale version of our input image.
- Score: 64.77435210892041
- License:
- Abstract: Few existing image defogging or dehazing methods consider dense and
non-uniform particle distributions, which usually happen in smoke, dust and
fog. Dealing with these dense and/or non-uniform distributions can be
intractable, since fog's attenuation and airlight (or veiling effect)
significantly weaken the background scene information in the input image. To
address this problem, we introduce a structure-representation network with
uncertainty feedback learning. Specifically, we extract the feature
representations from a pre-trained Vision Transformer (DINO-ViT) module to
recover the background information. To guide our network to focus on
non-uniform fog areas, and then remove the fog accordingly, we introduce the
uncertainty feedback learning, which produces the uncertainty maps, that have
higher uncertainty in denser fog regions, and can be regarded as an attention
map that represents fog's density and uneven distribution. Based on the
uncertainty map, our feedback network refines our defogged output iteratively.
Moreover, to handle the intractability of estimating the atmospheric light
colors, we exploit the grayscale version of our input image, since it is less
affected by varying light colors that are possibly present in the input image.
The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method both
quantitatively and qualitatively compared to the state-of-the-art methods in
handling dense and non-uniform fog or smoke.
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