Treewidth-aware Reductions of Normal ASP to SAT -- Is Normal ASP Harder
than SAT after All?
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- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2022 13:40:07 GMT
- Title: Treewidth-aware Reductions of Normal ASP to SAT -- Is Normal ASP Harder
than SAT after All?
- Authors: Markus Hecher
- Abstract summary: We show a new result establishing that, when considering treewidth, already the fragment of normal ASP is slightly harder than SAT.
We present an empirical study of our novel reduction from normal ASP to SAT, where we compare treewidth upper bounds that are obtained via known decompositions.
- Score: 9.480212602202517
- License:
- Abstract: Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a paradigm for modeling and solving problems
for knowledge representation and reasoning. There are plenty of results
dedicated to studying the hardness of (fragments of) ASP. So far, these studies
resulted in characterizations in terms of computational complexity as well as
in fine-grained insights presented in form of dichotomy-style results, lower
bounds when translating to other formalisms like propositional satisfiability
(SAT), and even detailed parameterized complexity landscapes. A generic
parameter in parameterized complexity originating from graph theory is the
so-called treewidth, which in a sense captures structural density of a program.
Recently, there was an increase in the number of treewidth-based solvers
related to SAT. While there are translations from (normal) ASP to SAT, no
reduction that preserves treewidth or at least keeps track of the treewidth
increase is known. In this paper we propose a novel reduction from normal ASP
to SAT that is aware of the treewidth, and guarantees that a slight increase of
treewidth is indeed sufficient. Further, we show a new result establishing
that, when considering treewidth, already the fragment of normal ASP is
slightly harder than SAT (under reasonable assumptions in computational
complexity). This also confirms that our reduction probably cannot be
significantly improved and that the slight increase of treewidth is
unavoidable. Finally, we present an empirical study of our novel reduction from
normal ASP to SAT, where we compare treewidth upper bounds that are obtained
via known decomposition heuristics. Overall, our reduction works better with
these heuristics than existing translations.
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