Contrastive Bayesian Analysis for Deep Metric Learning
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- Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 02:24:21 GMT
- Title: Contrastive Bayesian Analysis for Deep Metric Learning
- Authors: Shichao Kan, Zhiquan He, Yigang Cen, Yang Li, Mladenovic Vladimir,
Zhihai He
- Abstract summary: We develop a contrastive Bayesian analysis to characterize and model the posterior probabilities of image labels conditioned by their features similarity.
This contrastive Bayesian analysis leads to a new loss function for deep metric learning.
Our experimental results and ablation studies demonstrate that the proposed contrastive Bayesian metric learning method significantly improves the performance of deep metric learning.
- Score: 30.21464199249958
- License:
- Abstract: Recent methods for deep metric learning have been focusing on designing
different contrastive loss functions between positive and negative pairs of
samples so that the learned feature embedding is able to pull positive samples
of the same class closer and push negative samples from different classes away
from each other. In this work, we recognize that there is a significant
semantic gap between features at the intermediate feature layer and class
labels at the final output layer. To bridge this gap, we develop a contrastive
Bayesian analysis to characterize and model the posterior probabilities of
image labels conditioned by their features similarity in a contrastive learning
setting. This contrastive Bayesian analysis leads to a new loss function for
deep metric learning. To improve the generalization capability of the proposed
method onto new classes, we further extend the contrastive Bayesian loss with a
metric variance constraint. Our experimental results and ablation studies
demonstrate that the proposed contrastive Bayesian metric learning method
significantly improves the performance of deep metric learning in both
supervised and pseudo-supervised scenarios, outperforming existing methods by a
large margin.
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