Distilling Knowledge from Language Models for Video-based Action
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.05991v1
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 08:02:11 GMT
- Title: Distilling Knowledge from Language Models for Video-based Action
- Authors: Sayontan Ghosh, Tanvi Aggarwal, Minh Hoai, Niranjan Balasubramanian
- Abstract summary: Anticipating future actions in a video is useful for many autonomous and assistive technologies.
We propose a method to make use of the text-modality that is available during the training, to bring in complementary information that is not present in the target action anticipation datasets.
- Score: 31.59130630384036
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Anticipating future actions in a video is useful for many autonomous and
assistive technologies. Prior action anticipation work mostly treats this as a
vision modality problem, where the models learn the task information primarily
from the video features in the target action anticipation datasets. In this
work, we propose a method to make use of the text-modality that is available
during the training, to bring in complementary information that is not present
in the target action anticipation datasets. In particular, we leverage
pre-trained language models to build a text-modality teacher that is able to
predict future actions based on text labels of the past actions extracted from
the input video. To further adapt the teacher to the target domain (cooking),
we also pretrain the teacher on textual instructions from a recipes dataset
(Recipe1M). Then, we distill the knowledge gained by the text-modality teacher
into a vision-modality student to further improve it's performance. We
empirically evaluate this simple cross-modal distillation strategy on two video
datasets EGTEA-GAZE+ and EPIC-KITCHEN 55. Distilling this text-modality
knowledge into a strong vision model (Anticipative Vision Transformer) yields
consistent gains across both datasets, 3.5% relative improvement on top1 class
mean recall for EGTEA-GAZE+, 7.2% on top5 many-shot class mean recall for
EPIC-KITCHEN 55 and achieves new state-of-the-results.
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