Discovering a Variety of Objects in Spatio-Temporal Human-Object
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- Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2022 16:33:54 GMT
- Title: Discovering a Variety of Objects in Spatio-Temporal Human-Object
- Authors: Yong-Lu Li, Hongwei Fan, Zuoyu Qiu, Yiming Dou, Liang Xu, Hao-Shu
Fang, Peiyang Guo, Haisheng Su, Dongliang Wang, Wei Wu, Cewu Lu
- Abstract summary: In daily HOIs, humans often interact with a variety of objects, e.g., holding and touching dozens of household items in cleaning.
Here, we introduce a new benchmark based on AVA: Discoveringed Objects (DIO) including 51 interactions and 1,000+ objects.
An ST-HOI learning task is proposed expecting vision systems to track human actors, detect interactions and simultaneously discover objects.
- Score: 45.92485321148352
- License:
- Abstract: Spatio-temporal Human-Object Interaction (ST-HOI) detection aims at detecting
HOIs from videos, which is crucial for activity understanding. In daily HOIs,
humans often interact with a variety of objects, e.g., holding and touching
dozens of household items in cleaning. However, existing whole body-object
interaction video benchmarks usually provide limited object classes. Here, we
introduce a new benchmark based on AVA: Discovering Interacted Objects (DIO)
including 51 interactions and 1,000+ objects. Accordingly, an ST-HOI learning
task is proposed expecting vision systems to track human actors, detect
interactions and simultaneously discover interacted objects. Even though
today's detectors/trackers excel in object detection/tracking tasks, they
perform unsatisfied to localize diverse/unseen objects in DIO. This profoundly
reveals the limitation of current vision systems and poses a great challenge.
Thus, how to leverage spatio-temporal cues to address object discovery is
explored, and a Hierarchical Probe Network (HPN) is devised to discover
interacted objects utilizing hierarchical spatio-temporal human/context cues.
In extensive experiments, HPN demonstrates impressive performance. Data and
code are available at
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