ReLER@ZJU Submission to the Ego4D Moment Queries Challenge 2022
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- Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 12:14:45 GMT
- Title: ReLER@ZJU Submission to the Ego4D Moment Queries Challenge 2022
- Authors: Jiayi Shao and Xiaohan Wang and Yi Yang
- Abstract summary: We present the ReLER@ZJU1 submission to the Ego4D Moment Queries Challenge in ECCV 2022.
The goal is to retrieve and localize all instances of possible activities in egocentric videos.
The final submission achieved Recall@1,tIoU=0.5 score of 37.24, average mAP score of 17.67 and took 3-rd place on the leaderboard.
- Score: 42.02602065259257
- License:
- Abstract: In this report, we present the ReLER@ZJU1 submission to the Ego4D Moment
Queries Challenge in ECCV 2022. In this task, the goal is to retrieve and
localize all instances of possible activities in egocentric videos. Ego4D
dataset is challenging for the temporal action localization task as the
temporal duration of the videos is quite long and each video contains multiple
action instances with fine-grained action classes. To address these problems,
we utilize a multi-scale transformer to classify different action categories
and predict the boundary of each instance. Moreover, in order to better capture
the long-term temporal dependencies in the long videos, we propose a
segment-level recurrence mechanism. Compared with directly feeding all video
features to the transformer encoder, the proposed segment-level recurrence
mechanism alleviates the optimization difficulties and achieves better
performance. The final submission achieved Recall@1,tIoU=0.5 score of 37.24,
average mAP score of 17.67 and took 3-rd place on the leaderboard.
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