Nonlinear Advantage: Trained Networks Might Not Be As Complex as You
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- Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2023 13:27:46 GMT
- Title: Nonlinear Advantage: Trained Networks Might Not Be As Complex as You
- Authors: Christian H.X. Ali Mehmeti-G\"opel, Jan Disselhoff
- Abstract summary: We investigate how much we can simplify the network function towards linearity before performance collapses.
We find that after training, we are able to linearize a significant number of nonlinear units while maintaining a high performance.
Under sparsity pressure, we find that the remaining nonlinear units organize into distinct structures, forming core-networks of near constant effective depth and width.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We perform an empirical study of the behaviour of deep networks when fully
linearizing some of its feature channels through a sparsity prior on the
overall number of nonlinear units in the network. In experiments on image
classification and machine translation tasks, we investigate how much we can
simplify the network function towards linearity before performance collapses.
First, we observe a significant performance gap when reducing nonlinearity in
the network function early on as opposed to late in training, in-line with
recent observations on the time-evolution of the data-dependent NTK. Second, we
find that after training, we are able to linearize a significant number of
nonlinear units while maintaining a high performance, indicating that much of a
network's expressivity remains unused but helps gradient descent in early
stages of training. To characterize the depth of the resulting partially
linearized network, we introduce a measure called average path length,
representing the average number of active nonlinearities encountered along a
path in the network graph. Under sparsity pressure, we find that the remaining
nonlinear units organize into distinct structures, forming core-networks of
near constant effective depth and width, which in turn depend on task
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