Emergent communication enhances foraging behaviour in evolved swarms
controlled by Spiking Neural Networks
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.08484v2
- Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2023 14:56:33 GMT
- Title: Emergent communication enhances foraging behaviour in evolved swarms
controlled by Spiking Neural Networks
- Authors: Cristian Jimenez Romero, Alper Yegenoglu, Aar\'on P\'erez Mart\'in,
Sandra Diaz-Pier, Abigail Morrison
- Abstract summary: Social insects such as ants communicate via pheromones which allows them to coordinate their activity and solve complex tasks as a swarm.
We use an evolutionary algorithm to optimize a spiking neural network (SNN) which serves as an artificial brain to control the behavior of each agent.
We observe that pheromone-based communication enables the ants to perform better in comparison to colonies where communication via pheromone did not emerge.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Social insects such as ants communicate via pheromones which allows them to
coordinate their activity and solve complex tasks as a swarm, e.g. foraging for
food. This behavior was shaped through evolutionary processes. In computational
models, self-coordination in swarms has been implemented using probabilistic or
simple action rules to shape the decision of each agent and the collective
behavior. However, manual tuned decision rules may limit the behavior of the
swarm. In this work we investigate the emergence of self-coordination and
communication in evolved swarms without defining any explicit rule. We evolve a
swarm of agents representing an ant colony. We use an evolutionary algorithm to
optimize a spiking neural network (SNN) which serves as an artificial brain to
control the behavior of each agent. The goal of the evolved colony is to find
optimal ways to forage for food and return it to the nest in the shortest
amount of time. In the evolutionary phase, the ants are able to learn to
collaborate by depositing pheromone near food piles and near the nest to guide
other ants. The pheromone usage is not manually encoded into the network;
instead, this behavior is established through the optimization procedure. We
observe that pheromone-based communication enables the ants to perform better
in comparison to colonies where communication via pheromone did not emerge. We
assess the foraging performance by comparing the SNN based model to a rule
based system. Our results show that the SNN based model can efficiently
complete the foraging task in a short amount of time. Our approach illustrates
self coordination via pheromone emerges as a result of the network
optimization. This work serves as a proof of concept for the possibility of
creating complex applications utilizing SNNs as underlying architectures for
multi-agent interactions where communication and self-coordination is desired.
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