BS3D: Building-scale 3D Reconstruction from RGB-D Images
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- Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2023 11:46:14 GMT
- Title: BS3D: Building-scale 3D Reconstruction from RGB-D Images
- Authors: Janne Mustaniemi, Juho Kannala, Esa Rahtu, Li Liu and Janne Heikkil\"a
- Abstract summary: We propose an easy-to-use framework for acquiring building-scale 3D reconstruction using a consumer depth camera.
Unlike complex and expensive acquisition setups, our system enables crowd-sourcing, which can greatly benefit data-hungry algorithms.
- Score: 25.604775584883413
- License:
- Abstract: Various datasets have been proposed for simultaneous localization and mapping
(SLAM) and related problems. Existing datasets often include small
environments, have incomplete ground truth, or lack important sensor data, such
as depth and infrared images. We propose an easy-to-use framework for acquiring
building-scale 3D reconstruction using a consumer depth camera. Unlike complex
and expensive acquisition setups, our system enables crowd-sourcing, which can
greatly benefit data-hungry algorithms. Compared to similar systems, we utilize
raw depth maps for odometry computation and loop closure refinement which
results in better reconstructions. We acquire a building-scale 3D dataset
(BS3D) and demonstrate its value by training an improved monocular depth
estimation model. As a unique experiment, we benchmark visual-inertial odometry
methods using both color and active infrared images.
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