QLABGrad: a Hyperparameter-Free and Convergence-Guaranteed Scheme for
Deep Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.00252v2
- Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 23:11:40 GMT
- Title: QLABGrad: a Hyperparameter-Free and Convergence-Guaranteed Scheme for
Deep Learning
- Authors: Minghan Fu, Fang-Xiang Wu
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel learning rate adaptation scheme called QLABGrad.
QLABGrad automatically determines the learning rate by optimizing the Quadratic Loss Approximation-Based (QLAB) function for a given gradient descent direction.
- Score: 6.555832619920502
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The learning rate is a critical hyperparameter for deep learning tasks since
it determines the extent to which the model parameters are updated during the
learning course. However, the choice of learning rates typically depends on
empirical judgment, which may not result in satisfactory outcomes without
intensive try-and-error experiments. In this study, we propose a novel learning
rate adaptation scheme called QLABGrad. Without any user-specified
hyperparameter, QLABGrad automatically determines the learning rate by
optimizing the Quadratic Loss Approximation-Based (QLAB) function for a given
gradient descent direction, where only one extra forward propagation is
required. We theoretically prove the convergence of QLABGrad with a smooth
Lipschitz condition on the loss function. Experiment results on multiple
architectures, including MLP, CNN, and ResNet, on MNIST, CIFAR10, and ImageNet
datasets, demonstrate that QLABGrad outperforms various competing schemes for
deep learning.
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