Projection-free Online Exp-concave Optimization
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- Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2023 18:58:05 GMT
- Title: Projection-free Online Exp-concave Optimization
- Authors: Dan Garber, Ben Kretzu
- Abstract summary: We present an LOO-based ONS-style algorithm, which using overall $O(T)$ calls to a LOO, guarantees in worst case regret bounded by $widetildeO(n2/3T2/3)$.
Our algorithm is most interesting in an important and plausible low-dimensional data scenario.
- Score: 21.30065439295409
- License:
- Abstract: We consider the setting of online convex optimization (OCO) with
\textit{exp-concave} losses. The best regret bound known for this setting is
$O(n\log{}T)$, where $n$ is the dimension and $T$ is the number of prediction
rounds (treating all other quantities as constants and assuming $T$ is
sufficiently large), and is attainable via the well-known Online Newton Step
algorithm (ONS). However, ONS requires on each iteration to compute a
projection (according to some matrix-induced norm) onto the feasible convex
set, which is often computationally prohibitive in high-dimensional settings
and when the feasible set admits a non-trivial structure. In this work we
consider projection-free online algorithms for exp-concave and smooth losses,
where by projection-free we refer to algorithms that rely only on the
availability of a linear optimization oracle (LOO) for the feasible set, which
in many applications of interest admits much more efficient implementations
than a projection oracle. We present an LOO-based ONS-style algorithm, which
using overall $O(T)$ calls to a LOO, guarantees in worst case regret bounded by
$\widetilde{O}(n^{2/3}T^{2/3})$ (ignoring all quantities except for $n,T$).
However, our algorithm is most interesting in an important and plausible
low-dimensional data scenario: if the gradients (approximately) span a subspace
of dimension at most $\rho$, $\rho << n$, the regret bound improves to
$\widetilde{O}(\rho^{2/3}T^{2/3})$, and by applying standard deterministic
sketching techniques, both the space and average additional per-iteration
runtime requirements are only $O(\rho{}n)$ (instead of $O(n^2)$). This improves
upon recently proposed LOO-based algorithms for OCO which, while having the
same state-of-the-art dependence on the horizon $T$, suffer from regret/oracle
complexity that scales with $\sqrt{n}$ or worse.
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