Transferable Deep Metric Learning for Clustering
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- Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2023 17:09:59 GMT
- Title: Transferable Deep Metric Learning for Clustering
- Authors: Simo Alami.C, Rim Kaddah, Jesse Read
- Abstract summary: Clustering in high spaces is a difficult task; the usual dimension distance metrics may no longer be appropriate under the curse of dimensionality.
We show that we can learn a metric on a labelled dataset, then apply it to cluster a different dataset.
We achieve results competitive with the state-of-the-art while using only a small number of labelled training datasets and shallow networks.
- Score: 1.2762298148425795
- License:
- Abstract: Clustering in high dimension spaces is a difficult task; the usual distance
metrics may no longer be appropriate under the curse of dimensionality. Indeed,
the choice of the metric is crucial, and it is highly dependent on the dataset
characteristics. However a single metric could be used to correctly perform
clustering on multiple datasets of different domains. We propose to do so,
providing a framework for learning a transferable metric. We show that we can
learn a metric on a labelled dataset, then apply it to cluster a different
dataset, using an embedding space that characterises a desired clustering in
the generic sense. We learn and test such metrics on several datasets of
variable complexity (synthetic, MNIST, SVHN, omniglot) and achieve results
competitive with the state-of-the-art while using only a small number of
labelled training datasets and shallow networks.
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