Swapped goal-conditioned offline reinforcement learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.08865v1
- Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 13:22:40 GMT
- Title: Swapped goal-conditioned offline reinforcement learning
- Authors: Wenyan Yang, Huiling Wang, Dingding Cai, Joni Pajarinen, Joni-Kristen
- Abstract summary: We present a general offline reinforcement learning method called deterministic Q-advantage policy gradient (DQAPG)
In the experiments, DQAPG outperforms state-of-the-art goal-conditioned offline RL methods in a wide range of benchmark tasks.
- Score: 8.284193221280216
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: Offline goal-conditioned reinforcement learning (GCRL) can be challenging due
to overfitting to the given dataset. To generalize agents' skills outside the
given dataset, we propose a goal-swapping procedure that generates additional
trajectories. To alleviate the problem of noise and extrapolation errors, we
present a general offline reinforcement learning method called deterministic
Q-advantage policy gradient (DQAPG). In the experiments, DQAPG outperforms
state-of-the-art goal-conditioned offline RL methods in a wide range of
benchmark tasks, and goal-swapping further improves the test results. It is
noteworthy, that the proposed method obtains good performance on the
challenging dexterous in-hand manipulation tasks for which the prior methods
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