Growing Steerable Neural Cellular Automata
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- Date: Wed, 17 May 2023 15:34:32 GMT
- Title: Growing Steerable Neural Cellular Automata
- Authors: Ettore Randazzo, Alexander Mordvintsev and Craig Fouts
- Abstract summary: In the original implementation of Neural Cellular Automata, cells are incapable of adjusting their own orientation.
We make each cell responsible for its own orientation by allowing it to "turn" as determined by an adjustable internal state.
We show that we can train Steerable NCA in similar but simpler ways than their Isotropic variant by: (1) breaking symmetries using only two seeds, or (2) introducing a rotation-invariant training objective.
- Score: 63.91346650159648
- License:
- Abstract: Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) models have shown remarkable capacity for
pattern formation and complex global behaviors stemming from local
coordination. However, in the original implementation of NCA, cells are
incapable of adjusting their own orientation, and it is the responsibility of
the model designer to orient them externally. A recent isotropic variant of NCA
(Growing Isotropic Neural Cellular Automata) makes the model
orientation-independent - cells can no longer tell up from down, nor left from
right - by removing its dependency on perceiving the gradient of spatial states
in its neighborhood. In this work, we revisit NCA with a different approach: we
make each cell responsible for its own orientation by allowing it to "turn" as
determined by an adjustable internal state. The resulting Steerable NCA
contains cells of varying orientation embedded in the same pattern. We observe
how, while Isotropic NCA are orientation-agnostic, Steerable NCA have
chirality: they have a predetermined left-right symmetry. We therefore show
that we can train Steerable NCA in similar but simpler ways than their
Isotropic variant by: (1) breaking symmetries using only two seeds, or (2)
introducing a rotation-invariant training objective and relying on asynchronous
cell updates to break the up-down symmetry of the system.
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