VoxSRC 2022: The Fourth VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition Challenge
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.10248v1
- Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 19:27:14 GMT
- Title: VoxSRC 2022: The Fourth VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition Challenge
- Authors: Jaesung Huh, Andrew Brown, Jee-weon Jung, Joon Son Chung, Arsha
Nagrani, Daniel Garcia-Romero, Andrew Zisserman
- Abstract summary: The VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition Challenge 2022 (VoxSRC-22) was held in conjunction with INTERSPEECH 2022.
The goal of this challenge was to evaluate how well state-of-the-art speaker recognition systems can diarise and recognise speakers from speech obtained "in the wild"
- Score: 95.6159736804855
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: This paper summarises the findings from the VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition
Challenge 2022 (VoxSRC-22), which was held in conjunction with INTERSPEECH
2022. The goal of this challenge was to evaluate how well state-of-the-art
speaker recognition systems can diarise and recognise speakers from speech
obtained "in the wild". The challenge consisted of: (i) the provision of
publicly available speaker recognition and diarisation data from YouTube videos
together with ground truth annotation and standardised evaluation software; and
(ii) a public challenge and hybrid workshop held at INTERSPEECH 2022. We
describe the four tracks of our challenge along with the baselines, methods,
and results. We conclude with a discussion on the new domain-transfer focus of
VoxSRC-22, and on the progression of the challenge from the previous three
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