Repeated Bilateral Trade Against a Smoothed Adversary
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- Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 16:30:10 GMT
- Title: Repeated Bilateral Trade Against a Smoothed Adversary
- Authors: Nicol\`o Cesa-Bianchi, Tommaso Cesari, Roberto Colomboni, Federico
Fusco, Stefano Leonardi
- Abstract summary: We study repeated bilateral trade where an adaptive $sigma$-smooth adversary generates the valuations of sellers and buyers.
We provide a complete characterization of the regret regimes for fixed-price mechanisms under different feedback models.
- Score: 5.939280057673226
- License:
- Abstract: We study repeated bilateral trade where an adaptive $\sigma$-smooth adversary
generates the valuations of sellers and buyers. We provide a complete
characterization of the regret regimes for fixed-price mechanisms under
different feedback models in the two cases where the learner can post either
the same or different prices to buyers and sellers. We begin by showing that
the minimax regret after $T$ rounds is of order $\sqrt{T}$ in the full-feedback
scenario. Under partial feedback, any algorithm that has to post the same price
to buyers and sellers suffers worst-case linear regret. However, when the
learner can post two different prices at each round, we design an algorithm
enjoying regret of order $T^{3/4}$ ignoring log factors. We prove that this
rate is optimal by presenting a surprising $T^{3/4}$ lower bound, which is the
main technical contribution of the paper.
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