MEGA-DAgger: Imitation Learning with Multiple Imperfect Experts
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- Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 14:51:02 GMT
- Title: MEGA-DAgger: Imitation Learning with Multiple Imperfect Experts
- Authors: Xiatao Sun, Shuo Yang, Mingyan Zhou, Kunpeng Liu, Rahul Mangharam,
- Abstract summary: MEGA-DAgger is a new DAgger variant that is suitable for interactive learning with multiple imperfect experts.
We demonstrate that policy learned using MEGA-DAgger can outperform both experts and policies learned using the state-of-the-art interactive imitation learning algorithms.
- Score: 7.4506213369860195
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- Abstract: Imitation learning has been widely applied to various autonomous systems thanks to recent development in interactive algorithms that address covariate shift and compounding errors induced by traditional approaches like behavior cloning. However, existing interactive imitation learning methods assume access to one perfect expert. Whereas in reality, it is more likely to have multiple imperfect experts instead. In this paper, we propose MEGA-DAgger, a new DAgger variant that is suitable for interactive learning with multiple imperfect experts. First, unsafe demonstrations are filtered while aggregating the training data, so the imperfect demonstrations have little influence when training the novice policy. Next, experts are evaluated and compared on scenarios-specific metrics to resolve the conflicted labels among experts. Through experiments in autonomous racing scenarios, we demonstrate that policy learned using MEGA-DAgger can outperform both experts and policies learned using the state-of-the-art interactive imitation learning algorithms such as Human-Gated DAgger. The supplementary video can be found at \url{}.
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