Over-training with Mixup May Hurt Generalization
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.01475v1
- Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2023 18:37:34 GMT
- Title: Over-training with Mixup May Hurt Generalization
- Authors: Zixuan Liu, Ziqiao Wang, Hongyu Guo, Yongyi Mao
- Abstract summary: We report a previously unobserved phenomenon in Mixup training.
On a number of standard datasets, the performance of Mixup-trained models starts to decay after training for a large number of epochs.
We show theoretically that Mixup training may introduce undesired data-dependent label noises to the synthesized data.
- Score: 32.64382185990981
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Mixup, which creates synthetic training instances by linearly interpolating
random sample pairs, is a simple and yet effective regularization technique to
boost the performance of deep models trained with SGD. In this work, we report
a previously unobserved phenomenon in Mixup training: on a number of standard
datasets, the performance of Mixup-trained models starts to decay after
training for a large number of epochs, giving rise to a U-shaped generalization
curve. This behavior is further aggravated when the size of original dataset is
reduced. To help understand such a behavior of Mixup, we show theoretically
that Mixup training may introduce undesired data-dependent label noises to the
synthesized data. Via analyzing a least-square regression problem with a random
feature model, we explain why noisy labels may cause the U-shaped curve to
occur: Mixup improves generalization through fitting the clean patterns at the
early training stage, but as training progresses, Mixup becomes over-fitting to
the noise in the synthetic data. Extensive experiments are performed on a
variety of benchmark datasets, validating this explanation.
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