Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities of Pose-based Anomaly
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.05463v1
- Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 18:09:45 GMT
- Title: Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities of Pose-based Anomaly
- Authors: Ghazal Alinezhad Noghre, Armin Danesh Pazho, Vinit Katariya, Hamed
- Abstract summary: Pose-based anomaly detection is a video-analysis technique for detecting anomalous events or behaviors by examining human pose extracted from the video frames.
In this work, we analyze and quantify the characteristics of two well-known video anomaly datasets to better understand the difficulties of pose-based anomaly detection.
We believe these experiments are beneficial for a better comprehension of pose-based anomaly detection and the datasets currently available.
- Score: 2.924868086534434
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Pose-based anomaly detection is a video-analysis technique for detecting
anomalous events or behaviors by examining human pose extracted from the video
frames. Utilizing pose data alleviates privacy and ethical issues. Also,
computation-wise, the complexity of pose-based models is lower than pixel-based
approaches. However, it introduces more challenges, such as noisy skeleton
data, losing important pixel information, and not having enriched enough
features. These problems are exacerbated by a lack of anomaly detection
datasets that are good enough representatives of real-world scenarios. In this
work, we analyze and quantify the characteristics of two well-known video
anomaly datasets to better understand the difficulties of pose-based anomaly
detection. We take a step forward, exploring the discriminating power of pose
and trajectory for video anomaly detection and their effectiveness based on
context. We believe these experiments are beneficial for a better comprehension
of pose-based anomaly detection and the datasets currently available. This will
aid researchers in tackling the task of anomaly detection with a more lucid
perspective, accelerating the development of robust models with better
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