Dissipative ground state preparation and the Dissipative Quantum
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.11962v2
- Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2023 22:10:31 GMT
- Title: Dissipative ground state preparation and the Dissipative Quantum
- Authors: Toby S. Cubitt
- Abstract summary: I construct a local CPT map and stopping condition which converges to the ground state subspace of H.
This dissipative quantum eigensolver has a number of interesting characteristics, which give advantages over previous ground state preparation algorithms.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: For any local Hamiltonian H, I construct a local CPT map and stopping
condition which converges to the ground state subspace of H. Like any ground
state preparation algorithm, this algorithm necessarily has exponential
run-time in general (otherwise BQP=QMA), even for gapped, frustration-free
Hamiltonians (otherwise BQP is in NP). However, this dissipative quantum
eigensolver has a number of interesting characteristics, which give advantages
over previous ground state preparation algorithms.
- The entire algorithm consists simply of iterating the same set of local
measurements repeatedly.
- The expected overlap with the ground state subspace increases monotonically
with the length of time this process is allowed to run.
- It converges to the ground state subspace unconditionally, without any
assumptions on or prior information about the Hamiltonian.
- The algorithm does not require any variational optimisation over
- It is often able to find the ground state in low circuit depth in practice.
- It has a simple implementation on certain types of quantum hardware, in
particular photonic quantum computers.
- The process is immune to errors in the initial state.
- It is inherently error- and noise-resilient, i.e. to errors during
execution of the algorithm and also to faulty implementation of the algorithm
itself, without incurring any computational overhead: the overlap of the output
with the ground state subspace degrades smoothly with the error rate,
independent of the algorithm's run-time.
I give rigorous proofs of the above claims, and benchmark the algorithm on
some concrete examples numerically.
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