An Extended Study of Human-like Behavior under Adversarial Training
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- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2023 15:47:16 GMT
- Title: An Extended Study of Human-like Behavior under Adversarial Training
- Authors: Paul Gavrikov, Janis Keuper, Margret Keuper
- Abstract summary: We show that adversarial training increases the shift toward shape bias in neural networks.
We also provide a possible explanation for this phenomenon from a frequency perspective.
- Score: 11.72025865314187
- License:
- Abstract: Neural networks have a number of shortcomings. Amongst the severest ones is
the sensitivity to distribution shifts which allows models to be easily fooled
into wrong predictions by small perturbations to inputs that are often
imperceivable to humans and do not have to carry semantic meaning. Adversarial
training poses a partial solution to address this issue by training models on
worst-case perturbations. Yet, recent work has also pointed out that the
reasoning in neural networks is different from humans. Humans identify objects
by shape, while neural nets mainly employ texture cues. Exemplarily, a model
trained on photographs will likely fail to generalize to datasets containing
sketches. Interestingly, it was also shown that adversarial training seems to
favorably increase the shift toward shape bias. In this work, we revisit this
observation and provide an extensive analysis of this effect on various
architectures, the common $\ell_2$- and $\ell_\infty$-training, and
Transformer-based models. Further, we provide a possible explanation for this
phenomenon from a frequency perspective.
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