Spectral Gap Regularization of Neural Networks
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.03096v1
- Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2023 14:23:40 GMT
- Title: Spectral Gap Regularization of Neural Networks
- Authors: Edric Tam, David Dunson
- Abstract summary: Fiedler regularization is a novel approach for regularizing neural networks that utilizes spectral/graphical information.
We provide an approximate, variational approach for faster computation during training.
We performed experiments on datasets that compare Fiedler regularization with classical regularization methods such as dropout and weight decay.
- Score: 6.09170287691728
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We introduce Fiedler regularization, a novel approach for regularizing neural
networks that utilizes spectral/graphical information. Existing regularization
methods often focus on penalizing weights in a global/uniform manner that
ignores the connectivity structure of the neural network. We propose to use the
Fiedler value of the neural network's underlying graph as a tool for
regularization. We provide theoretical motivation for this approach via
spectral graph theory. We demonstrate several useful properties of the Fiedler
value that make it useful as a regularization tool. We provide an approximate,
variational approach for faster computation during training. We provide an
alternative formulation of this framework in the form of a structurally
weighted $\text{L}_1$ penalty, thus linking our approach to sparsity induction.
We provide uniform generalization error bounds for Fiedler regularization via a
Rademacher complexity analysis. We performed experiments on datasets that
compare Fiedler regularization with classical regularization methods such as
dropout and weight decay. Results demonstrate the efficacy of Fiedler
regularization. This is a journal extension of the conference paper by Tam and
Dunson (2020).
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