TIGTEC : Token Importance Guided TExt Counterfactuals
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.12425v1
- Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2023 20:11:58 GMT
- Title: TIGTEC : Token Importance Guided TExt Counterfactuals
- Authors: Milan Bhan and Jean-Noel Vittaut and Nicolas Chesneau and Marie-Jeanne
- Abstract summary: This paper proposes TIGTEC, an efficient and modular method for generating sparse, plausible and diverse counterfactual explanations.
A new attention-based local feature importance is proposed.
Experiments show the relevance of TIGTEC in terms of success rate, sparsity, diversity and plausibility.
- Score: 1.1642121991499805
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Counterfactual examples explain a prediction by highlighting changes of
instance that flip the outcome of a classifier. This paper proposes TIGTEC, an
efficient and modular method for generating sparse, plausible and diverse
counterfactual explanations for textual data. TIGTEC is a text editing
heuristic that targets and modifies words with high contribution using local
feature importance. A new attention-based local feature importance is proposed.
Counterfactual candidates are generated and assessed with a cost function
integrating semantic distance, while the solution space is efficiently explored
in a beam search fashion. The conducted experiments show the relevance of
TIGTEC in terms of success rate, sparsity, diversity and plausibility. This
method can be used in both model-specific or model-agnostic way, which makes it
very convenient for generating counterfactual explanations.
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