Communication-Constrained Bandits under Additive Gaussian Noise
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- Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2023 10:22:56 GMT
- Title: Communication-Constrained Bandits under Additive Gaussian Noise
- Authors: Prathamesh Mayekar, Jonathan Scarlett, and Vincent Y.F. Tan
- Abstract summary: We study a distributed multi-armed bandit where a client supplies the learner with communication-constrained feedback.
We propose a multi-phase bandit algorithm, $mathttUEtext-UCB++$, which matches this lower bound to a minor additive factor.
- Score: 111.06688156723018
- License:
- Abstract: We study a distributed stochastic multi-armed bandit where a client supplies
the learner with communication-constrained feedback based on the rewards for
the corresponding arm pulls. In our setup, the client must encode the rewards
such that the second moment of the encoded rewards is no more than $P$, and
this encoded reward is further corrupted by additive Gaussian noise of variance
$\sigma^2$; the learner only has access to this corrupted reward. For this
setting, we derive an information-theoretic lower bound of
$\Omega\left(\sqrt{\frac{KT}{\mathtt{SNR} \wedge1}} \right)$ on the minimax
regret of any scheme, where $ \mathtt{SNR} := \frac{P}{\sigma^2}$, and $K$ and
$T$ are the number of arms and time horizon, respectively. Furthermore, we
propose a multi-phase bandit algorithm, $\mathtt{UE\text{-}UCB++}$, which
matches this lower bound to a minor additive factor. $\mathtt{UE\text{-}UCB++}$
performs uniform exploration in its initial phases and then utilizes the {\em
upper confidence bound }(UCB) bandit algorithm in its final phase. An
interesting feature of $\mathtt{UE\text{-}UCB++}$ is that the coarser estimates
of the mean rewards formed during a uniform exploration phase help to refine
the encoding protocol in the next phase, leading to more accurate mean
estimates of the rewards in the subsequent phase. This positive reinforcement
cycle is critical to reducing the number of uniform exploration rounds and
closely matching our lower bound.
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