RATs-NAS: Redirection of Adjacent Trails on GCN for Neural Architecture
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.04206v2
- Date: Tue, 9 May 2023 01:12:25 GMT
- Title: RATs-NAS: Redirection of Adjacent Trails on GCN for Neural Architecture
- Authors: Yu-Ming Zhang, Jun-Wei Hsieh, Chun-Chieh Lee, Kuo-Chin Fan
- Abstract summary: We propose the Redirected Adjacent Trails NAS (RATs-NAS) to quickly search for the desired neural network architecture.
RATs-NAS consists of two components: the Redirected Adjacent Trails GCN (RATs-GCN) and the Predictor-based Search Space Sampling (P3S) module.
- Score: 6.117917355232904
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Various hand-designed CNN architectures have been developed, such as VGG,
ResNet, DenseNet, etc., and achieve State-of-the-Art (SoTA) levels on different
tasks. Neural Architecture Search (NAS) now focuses on automatically finding
the best CNN architecture to handle the above tasks. However, the verification
of a searched architecture is very time-consuming and makes predictor-based
methods become an essential and important branch of NAS. Two commonly used
techniques to build predictors are graph-convolution networks (GCN) and
multilayer perceptron (MLP). In this paper, we consider the difference between
GCN and MLP on adjacent operation trails and then propose the Redirected
Adjacent Trails NAS (RATs-NAS) to quickly search for the desired neural network
architecture. The RATs-NAS consists of two components: the Redirected Adjacent
Trails GCN (RATs-GCN) and the Predictor-based Search Space Sampling (P3S)
module. RATs-GCN can change trails and their strengths to search for a better
neural network architecture. P3S can rapidly focus on tighter intervals of
FLOPs in the search space. Based on our observations on cell-based NAS, we
believe that architectures with similar FLOPs will perform similarly. Finally,
the RATs-NAS consisting of RATs-GCN and P3S beats WeakNAS, Arch-Graph, and
others by a significant margin on three sub-datasets of NASBench-201.
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