Quiver: Supporting GPUs for Low-Latency, High-Throughput GNN Serving
with Workload Awareness
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.10863v1
- Date: Thu, 18 May 2023 10:34:23 GMT
- Title: Quiver: Supporting GPUs for Low-Latency, High-Throughput GNN Serving
with Workload Awareness
- Authors: Zeyuan Tan, Xiulong Yuan, Congjie He, Man-Kit Sit, Guo Li, Xiaoze Liu,
Baole Ai, Kai Zeng, Peter Pietzuch, Luo Mai
- Abstract summary: Quiver is a distributed GPU-based GNN serving system with low-latency and high- throughput.
We show that Quiver achieves up to 35 times lower latency with an 8 times higher throughput compared to state-of-the-art GNN approaches.
- Score: 4.8412870364335925
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Abstract: Systems for serving inference requests on graph neural networks (GNN) must
combine low latency with high throughout, but they face irregular computation
due to skew in the number of sampled graph nodes and aggregated GNN features.
This makes it challenging to exploit GPUs effectively: using GPUs to sample
only a few graph nodes yields lower performance than CPU-based sampling; and
aggregating many features exhibits high data movement costs between GPUs and
CPUs. Therefore, current GNN serving systems use CPUs for graph sampling and
feature aggregation, limiting throughput.
We describe Quiver, a distributed GPU-based GNN serving system with
low-latency and high-throughput. Quiver's key idea is to exploit workload
metrics for predicting the irregular computation of GNN requests, and governing
the use of GPUs for graph sampling and feature aggregation: (1) for graph
sampling, Quiver calculates the probabilistic sampled graph size, a metric that
predicts the degree of parallelism in graph sampling. Quiver uses this metric
to assign sampling tasks to GPUs only when the performance gains surpass
CPU-based sampling; and (2) for feature aggregation, Quiver relies on the
feature access probability to decide which features to partition and replicate
across a distributed GPU NUMA topology. We show that Quiver achieves up to 35
times lower latency with an 8 times higher throughput compared to
state-of-the-art GNN approaches (DGL and PyG).
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