Semantic-Promoted Debiasing and Background Disambiguation for Zero-Shot
Instance Segmentation
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 16:00:01 GMT
- Title: Semantic-Promoted Debiasing and Background Disambiguation for Zero-Shot
Instance Segmentation
- Authors: Shuting He, Henghui Ding, Wei Jiang
- Abstract summary: Zero-shot instance segmentation aims to detect and precisely segment objects of unseen categories without any training samples.
We propose D$2$Zero with Semantic-Promoted Debiasing and Background Disambiguation.
Background disambiguation produces image-adaptive background representation to avoid mistaking novel objects for background.
- Score: 13.001629605405954
- License:
- Abstract: Zero-shot instance segmentation aims to detect and precisely segment objects
of unseen categories without any training samples. Since the model is trained
on seen categories, there is a strong bias that the model tends to classify all
the objects into seen categories. Besides, there is a natural confusion between
background and novel objects that have never shown up in training. These two
challenges make novel objects hard to be raised in the final instance
segmentation results. It is desired to rescue novel objects from background and
dominated seen categories. To this end, we propose D$^2$Zero with
Semantic-Promoted Debiasing and Background Disambiguation to enhance the
performance of Zero-shot instance segmentation. Semantic-promoted debiasing
utilizes inter-class semantic relationships to involve unseen categories in
visual feature training and learns an input-conditional classifier to conduct
dynamical classification based on the input image. Background disambiguation
produces image-adaptive background representation to avoid mistaking novel
objects for background. Extensive experiments show that we significantly
outperform previous state-of-the-art methods by a large margin, e.g., 16.86%
improvement on COCO. Project page:
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