Faithful Low-Resource Data-to-Text Generation through Cycle Training
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- Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:15:00 GMT
- Title: Faithful Low-Resource Data-to-Text Generation through Cycle Training
- Authors: Zhuoer Wang, Marcus Collins, Nikhita Vedula, Simone Filice, Shervin
Malmasi, Oleg Rokhlenko
- Abstract summary: Methods to generate text from structured data have advanced significantly in recent years.
Cycle training uses two models which are inverses of each other.
We show that cycle training achieves nearly the same performance as fully supervised approaches.
- Score: 14.375070014155817
- License:
- Abstract: Methods to generate text from structured data have advanced significantly in
recent years, primarily due to fine-tuning of pre-trained language models on
large datasets. However, such models can fail to produce output faithful to the
input data, particularly on out-of-domain data. Sufficient annotated data is
often not available for specific domains, leading us to seek an unsupervised
approach to improve the faithfulness of output text. Since the problem is
fundamentally one of consistency between the representations of the structured
data and text, we evaluate the effectiveness of cycle training in this work.
Cycle training uses two models which are inverses of each other: one that
generates text from structured data, and one which generates the structured
data from natural language text. We show that cycle training, when initialized
with a small amount of supervised data (100 samples in our case), achieves
nearly the same performance as fully supervised approaches for the data-to-text
generation task on the WebNLG, E2E, WTQ, and WSQL datasets. We perform
extensive empirical analysis with automated evaluation metrics and a newly
designed human evaluation schema to reveal different cycle training strategies'
effectiveness of reducing various types of generation errors. Our code is
publicly available at
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