Understanding Label Bias in Single Positive Multi-Label Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.15584v1
- Date: Wed, 24 May 2023 21:41:08 GMT
- Title: Understanding Label Bias in Single Positive Multi-Label Learning
- Authors: Julio Arroyo and Pietro Perona and Elijah Cole
- Abstract summary: It is possible to train effective multi-labels using only one positive label per image.
Standard benchmarks for SPML are derived from traditional multi-label classification datasets.
This work introduces protocols for studying label bias in SPML and provides new empirical results.
- Score: 20.09309971112425
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Annotating data for multi-label classification is prohibitively expensive
because every category of interest must be confirmed to be present or absent.
Recent work on single positive multi-label (SPML) learning shows that it is
possible to train effective multi-label classifiers using only one positive
label per image. However, the standard benchmarks for SPML are derived from
traditional multi-label classification datasets by retaining one positive label
for each training example (chosen uniformly at random) and discarding all other
labels. In realistic settings it is not likely that positive labels are chosen
uniformly at random. This work introduces protocols for studying label bias in
SPML and provides new empirical results.
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