Encoding Time-Series Explanations through Self-Supervised Model Behavior
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.02109v2
- Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 01:59:27 GMT
- Title: Encoding Time-Series Explanations through Self-Supervised Model Behavior
- Authors: Owen Queen, Thomas Hartvigsen, Teddy Koker, Huan He, Theodoros
Tsiligkaridis, Marinka Zitnik
- Abstract summary: We present TimeX, a time series consistency model for training explainers.
TimeX trains an interpretable surrogate to mimic the behavior of a pretrained time series model.
We evaluate TimeX on eight synthetic and real-world datasets and compare its performance against state-of-the-art interpretability methods.
- Score: 26.99599329431296
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: Interpreting time series models is uniquely challenging because it requires
identifying both the location of time series signals that drive model
predictions and their matching to an interpretable temporal pattern. While
explainers from other modalities can be applied to time series, their inductive
biases do not transfer well to the inherently challenging interpretation of
time series. We present TimeX, a time series consistency model for training
explainers. TimeX trains an interpretable surrogate to mimic the behavior of a
pretrained time series model. It addresses the issue of model faithfulness by
introducing model behavior consistency, a novel formulation that preserves
relations in the latent space induced by the pretrained model with relations in
the latent space induced by TimeX. TimeX provides discrete attribution maps
and, unlike existing interpretability methods, it learns a latent space of
explanations that can be used in various ways, such as to provide landmarks to
visually aggregate similar explanations and easily recognize temporal patterns.
We evaluate TimeX on eight synthetic and real-world datasets and compare its
performance against state-of-the-art interpretability methods. We also conduct
case studies using physiological time series. Quantitative evaluations
demonstrate that TimeX achieves the highest or second-highest performance in
every metric compared to baselines across all datasets. Through case studies,
we show that the novel components of TimeX show potential for training
faithful, interpretable models that capture the behavior of pretrained time
series models.
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