Accessible Robot Control in Mixed Reality
- URL:
- Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2023 16:05:26 GMT
- Title: Accessible Robot Control in Mixed Reality
- Authors: Ganlin Zhang, Deheng Zhang, Longteng Duan, Guo Han
- Abstract summary: This method is mainly designed for people with physical disabilities.
The eye gaze tracking and head motion tracking technologies of Hololens 2 are utilized for sending control commands.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: A novel method to control the Spot robot of Boston Dynamics by Hololens 2 is
proposed. This method is mainly designed for people with physical disabilities,
users can control the robot's movement and robot arm without using their hands.
The eye gaze tracking and head motion tracking technologies of Hololens 2 are
utilized for sending control commands. The movement of the robot would follow
the eye gaze and the robot arm would mimic the pose of the user's head. Through
our experiment, our method is comparable with the traditional control method by
joystick in both time efficiency and user experience. Demo can be found on our
project webpage:
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