Improving Generalization in Meta-Learning via Meta-Gradient Augmentation
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 12:04:28 GMT
- Title: Improving Generalization in Meta-Learning via Meta-Gradient Augmentation
- Authors: Ren Wang, Haoliang Sun, Qi Wei, Xiushan Nie, Yuling Ma, Yilong Yin
- Abstract summary: We propose a data-independent textbfMeta-textbfGradient textbfAugmentation (textbfMGAug) method to alleviate overfitting in meta-learning.
The proposed MGAug is theoretically guaranteed by the generalization bound from the PAC-Bayes framework.
- Score: 42.48021701246389
- License:
- Abstract: Meta-learning methods typically follow a two-loop framework, where each loop
potentially suffers from notorious overfitting, hindering rapid adaptation and
generalization to new tasks. Existing schemes solve it by enhancing the
mutual-exclusivity or diversity of training samples, but these data
manipulation strategies are data-dependent and insufficiently flexible. This
work alleviates overfitting in meta-learning from the perspective of gradient
regularization and proposes a data-independent \textbf{M}eta-\textbf{G}radient
\textbf{Aug}mentation (\textbf{MGAug}) method. The key idea is to first break
the rote memories by network pruning to address memorization overfitting in the
inner loop, and then the gradients of pruned sub-networks naturally form the
high-quality augmentation of the meta-gradient to alleviate learner overfitting
in the outer loop. Specifically, we explore three pruning strategies, including
\textit{random width pruning}, \textit{random parameter pruning}, and a newly
proposed \textit{catfish pruning} that measures a Meta-Memorization Carrying
Amount (MMCA) score for each parameter and prunes high-score ones to break rote
memories as much as possible. The proposed MGAug is theoretically guaranteed by
the generalization bound from the PAC-Bayes framework. In addition, we extend a
lightweight version, called MGAug-MaxUp, as a trade-off between performance
gains and resource overhead. Extensive experiments on multiple few-shot
learning benchmarks validate MGAug's effectiveness and significant improvement
over various meta-baselines. The code is publicly available at
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