Neural Inventory Control in Networks via Hindsight Differentiable Policy Optimization
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- Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 20:07:31 GMT
- Title: Neural Inventory Control in Networks via Hindsight Differentiable Policy Optimization
- Authors: Matias Alvo, Daniel Russo, Yash Kanoria,
- Abstract summary: We argue that inventory management presents unique opportunities for reliably applying and evaluating deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms.
The first is Hindsight Differentiable Policy Optimization (HDPO), which performs gradient descent to optimize policy performance.
The second technique involves aligning policy (neural) network structures with the structure of the inventory network.
- Score: 5.590976834881065
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- Abstract: We argue that inventory management presents unique opportunities for reliably applying and evaluating deep reinforcement learning (DRL). Toward reliable application, we emphasize and test two techniques. The first is Hindsight Differentiable Policy Optimization (HDPO), which performs stochastic gradient descent to optimize policy performance while avoiding the need to repeatedly deploy randomized policies in the environment-as is common with generic policy gradient methods. Our second technique involves aligning policy (neural) network architectures with the structure of the inventory network. Specifically, we focus on a network with a single warehouse that consolidates inventory from external suppliers, holds it, and then distributes it to many stores as needed. In this setting, we introduce the symmetry-aware policy network architecture. We motivate this architecture by establishing an asymptotic performance guarantee and empirically demonstrate its ability to reduce the amount of data needed to uncover strong policies. Both techniques exploit structures inherent in inventory management problems, moving beyond generic DRL algorithms. Toward rigorous evaluation, we create and share new benchmark problems, divided into two categories. One type focuses on problems with hidden structures that allow us to compute or bound the cost of the true optimal policy. Across four problems of this type, we find HDPO consistently attains near-optimal performance, handling up to 60-dimensional raw state vectors effectively. The other type of evaluation involves constructing a test problem using real time series data from a large retailer, where the optimum is poorly understood. Here, we find HDPO methods meaningfully outperform a variety of generalized newsvendor heuristics. Our code can be found at
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