Evolutionary Strategy Guided Reinforcement Learning via MultiBuffer
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.11535v1
- Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2023 13:41:57 GMT
- Title: Evolutionary Strategy Guided Reinforcement Learning via MultiBuffer
- Authors: Adam Callaghan, Karl Mason, Patrick Mannion
- Abstract summary: We introduce a new Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning model which combines a particular family of Evolutionary algorithm called Evolutionary Strategies with the off-policy Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm TD3.
The proposed algorithm is demonstrated to perform competitively with current Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning algorithms on MuJoCo control tasks.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Evolutionary Algorithms and Deep Reinforcement Learning have both
successfully solved control problems across a variety of domains. Recently,
algorithms have been proposed which combine these two methods, aiming to
leverage the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses of both approaches. In this
paper we introduce a new Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning model which
combines a particular family of Evolutionary algorithm called Evolutionary
Strategies with the off-policy Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm TD3. The
framework utilises a multi-buffer system instead of using a single shared
replay buffer. The multi-buffer system allows for the Evolutionary Strategy to
search freely in the search space of policies, without running the risk of
overpopulating the replay buffer with poorly performing trajectories which
limit the number of desirable policy behaviour examples thus negatively
impacting the potential of the Deep Reinforcement Learning within the shared
framework. The proposed algorithm is demonstrated to perform competitively with
current Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning algorithms on MuJoCo control tasks,
outperforming the well known state-of-the-art CEM-RL on 3 of the 4 environments
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