Should you marginalize over possible tokenizations?
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- Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2023 16:09:01 GMT
- Title: Should you marginalize over possible tokenizations?
- Authors: Nadezhda Chirkova, Germ\'an Kruszewski, Jos Rozen, Marc Dymetman
- Abstract summary: We show that the gap in log-likelihood is no larger than 0.5% in most cases.
Our results show that the gap in log-likelihood is no larger than 0.5% in most cases.
- Score: 13.07994518230055
- License:
- Abstract: Autoregressive language models (LMs) map token sequences to probabilities.
The usual practice for computing the probability of any character string (e.g.
English sentences) is to first transform it into a sequence of tokens that is
scored by the model. However, there are exponentially many token sequences that
represent any given string. To truly compute the probability of a string one
should marginalize over all tokenizations, which is typically intractable.
Here, we analyze whether the practice of ignoring the marginalization is
justified. To this end, we devise an importance-sampling-based algorithm that
allows us to compute estimates of the marginal probabilities and compare them
to the default procedure in a range of state-of-the-art models and datasets.
Our results show that the gap in log-likelihood is no larger than 0.5% in most
cases, but that it becomes more pronounced for data with long complex words.
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