The geometric tensor for classical states
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- Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2023 14:28:33 GMT
- Title: The geometric tensor for classical states
- Authors: A. D. Berm\'udez Manjarres
- Abstract summary: We focus on integrable systems and show that the imaginary part of the geometric tensor is related to the Hannay curvature.
The singularities of the geometric tensor and the AGP allows us to link the transition from Arnold-Liouville integrability to chaos with some of the mathematical formalism of quantum phase transitions.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We use the Liouville eigenfunctions to define a classical version of the
geometric tensor and study its relationship with the classical adiabatic gauge
potential (AGP). We focus on integrable systems and show that the imaginary
part of the geometric tensor is related to the Hannay curvature. The
singularities of the geometric tensor and the AGP allows us to link the
transition from Arnold-Liouville integrability to chaos with some of the
mathematical formalism of quantum phase transitions.
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