Towards a resolution of the spin alignment problem
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- Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 23:42:08 GMT
- Title: Towards a resolution of the spin alignment problem
- Authors: Mohammad A. Alhejji and Emanuel Knill
- Abstract summary: We study a class of optimization problems inspired by the recently introduced spin alignment conjecture.
The motivation for our study is the recently introduced spin alignment conjecture.
- Score: 1.6317061277457001
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- Abstract: Consider minimizing the entropy of a mixture of states by choosing each state
subject to constraints. If the spectrum of each state is fixed, we expect that
in order to reduce the entropy of the mixture, we should make the states less
distinguishable in some sense. Here, we study a class of optimization problems
that are inspired by this situation and shed light on the relevant notions of
distinguishability. The motivation for our study is the recently introduced
spin alignment conjecture. In the original version of the underlying problem,
each state in the mixture is constrained to be a freely chosen state on a
subset of $n$ qubits tensored with a fixed state $Q$ on each of the qubits in
the complement. According to the conjecture, the entropy of the mixture is
minimized by choosing the freely chosen state in each term to be a tensor
product of projectors onto a fixed maximal eigenvector of $Q$, which maximally
"aligns" the terms in the mixture. We generalize this problem in several ways.
First, instead of minimizing entropy, we consider maximizing arbitrary
unitarily invariant convex functions such as Fan norms and Schatten norms. To
formalize and generalize the conjectured required alignment, we define
alignment as a preorder on tuples of self-adjoint operators that is induced by
majorization. We prove the generalized conjecture for Schatten norms of integer
order, for the case where the freely chosen states are constrained to be
classical, and for the case where only two states contribute to the mixture and
$Q$ is proportional to a projector. The last case fits into a more general
situation where we give explicit conditions for maximal alignment. The spin
alignment problem has a natural "dual" formulation, versions of which have
further generalizations that we introduce.
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