Repeated Observations for Classification
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- Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 10:50:36 GMT
- Title: Repeated Observations for Classification
- Authors: H\"useyin Af\c{s}er, L\'aszl\'o Gy\"orfi, and Harro Walk
- Abstract summary: We study the problem nonparametric classification with repeated observations.
In the analysis, we investigate particular models like robust detection by nominal densities, prototype classification, linear transformation, linear classification, scaling.
- Score: 0.2676349883103404
- License:
- Abstract: We study the problem nonparametric classification with repeated observations.
Let $\bX$ be the $d$ dimensional feature vector and let $Y$ denote the label
taking values in $\{1,\dots ,M\}$. In contrast to usual setup with large sample
size $n$ and relatively low dimension $d$, this paper deals with the situation,
when instead of observing a single feature vector $\bX$ we are given $t$
repeated feature vectors $\bV_1,\dots ,\bV_t $. Some simple classification
rules are presented such that the conditional error probabilities have
exponential convergence rate of convergence as $t\to\infty$. In the analysis,
we investigate particular models like robust detection by nominal densities,
prototype classification, linear transformation, linear classification,
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