Bichromatic Rabi control of semiconductor qubits
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- Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 12:26:02 GMT
- Title: Bichromatic Rabi control of semiconductor qubits
- Authors: Valentin John, Francesco Borsoi, Zolt\'an Gy\"orgy, Chien-An Wang,
G\'abor Sz\'echenyi, Floor van Riggelen, William I. L. Lawrie, Nico W.
Hendrickx, Amir Sammak, Giordano Scappucci, Andr\'as P\'alyi, Menno Veldhorst
- Abstract summary: We show coherent bichromatic Rabi control of quantum dot hole spin qubits, offering a spatially-selective approach for large qubit arrays.
Our theoretical framework aligns with experimental data, highlighting interdot motion as the dominant mechanism for bichromatic driving.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Electrically-driven spin resonance is a powerful technique for controlling
semiconductor spin qubits. However, it faces challenges in qubit addressability
and off-resonance driving in larger systems. We demonstrate coherent
bichromatic Rabi control of quantum dot hole spin qubits, offering a
spatially-selective approach for large qubit arrays. By applying simultaneous
microwave bursts to different gate electrodes, we observe multichromatic
resonance lines and resonance anticrossings that are caused by the ac Stark
shift. Our theoretical framework aligns with experimental data, highlighting
interdot motion as the dominant mechanism for bichromatic driving.
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