Efficient expectation propagation for posterior approximation in
high-dimensional probit models
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.01619v1
- Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2023 14:07:19 GMT
- Title: Efficient expectation propagation for posterior approximation in
high-dimensional probit models
- Authors: Augusto Fasano, Niccol\`o Anceschi, Beatrice Franzolini, Giovanni
- Abstract summary: We focus on the expectation propagation (EP) approximation of the posterior distribution in Bayesian probit regression.
We show how to leverage results on the extended multivariate skew-normal distribution to derive an efficient implementation of the EP routine.
This makes EP computationally feasible also in challenging high-dimensional settings, as shown in a detailed simulation study.
- Score: 1.433758865948252
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Bayesian binary regression is a prosperous area of research due to the
computational challenges encountered by currently available methods either for
high-dimensional settings or large datasets, or both. In the present work, we
focus on the expectation propagation (EP) approximation of the posterior
distribution in Bayesian probit regression under a multivariate Gaussian prior
distribution. Adapting more general derivations in Anceschi et al. (2023), we
show how to leverage results on the extended multivariate skew-normal
distribution to derive an efficient implementation of the EP routine having a
per-iteration cost that scales linearly in the number of covariates. This makes
EP computationally feasible also in challenging high-dimensional settings, as
shown in a detailed simulation study.
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