A Theoretical Explanation of Activation Sparsity through Flat Minima and
Adversarial Robustness
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.03004v4
- Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:02:02 GMT
- Title: A Theoretical Explanation of Activation Sparsity through Flat Minima and
Adversarial Robustness
- Authors: Ze Peng, Lei Qi, Yinghuan Shi, Yang Gao
- Abstract summary: A recent empirical observation of activation sparsity in blocks offers an opportunity to drastically reduce computation costs for free.
We propose the notion of sparsity as one source of activation sparsity and a theoretical explanation based on it.
- Score: 29.87592869483743
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: A recent empirical observation (Li et al., 2022b) of activation sparsity in
MLP blocks offers an opportunity to drastically reduce computation costs for
free. Although having attributed it to training dynamics, existing theoretical
explanations of activation sparsity are restricted to shallow networks, small
training steps and special training, despite its emergence in deep models
standardly trained for a large number of steps. To fill these gaps, we propose
the notion of gradient sparsity as one source of activation sparsity and a
theoretical explanation based on it that sees sparsity a necessary step to
adversarial robustness w.r.t. hidden features and parameters, which is
approximately the flatness of minima for well-learned models. The theory
applies to standardly trained LayerNorm-ed MLPs, and further to Transformers or
other architectures trained with weight noises. Eliminating other sources of
flatness except for sparsity, we discover the phenomenon that the ratio between
the largest and smallest non-zero singular values of weight matrices is small.
When discussing the emergence of this spectral concentration, we use random
matrix theory (RMT) as a powerful tool to analyze stochastic gradient noises.
Validational experiments are conducted to verify our gradient-sparsity-based
explanation. We propose two plug-and-play modules for both training and
finetuning for sparsity. Experiments on ImageNet-1k and C4 demonstrate their
50% sparsity improvements, indicating further potential cost reduction in both
training and inference.
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