End-to-End Speech Recognition and Disfluency Removal with Acoustic
Language Model Pretraining
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.04516v1
- Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2023 17:12:14 GMT
- Title: End-to-End Speech Recognition and Disfluency Removal with Acoustic
Language Model Pretraining
- Authors: Saksham Bassi, Giulio Duregon, Siddhartha Jalagam, David Roth
- Abstract summary: We revisit the performance comparison between two-stage and end-to-end model.
We find that audio based language models pretrained using weak self-supervised objectives match or exceed the performance of similarly trained two-stage models.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The SOTA in transcription of disfluent and conversational speech has in
recent years favored two-stage models, with separate transcription and cleaning
stages. We believe that previous attempts at end-to-end disfluency removal have
fallen short because of the representational advantage that large-scale
language model pretraining has given to lexical models. Until recently, the
high dimensionality and limited availability of large audio datasets inhibited
the development of large-scale self-supervised pretraining objectives for
learning effective audio representations, giving a relative advantage to the
two-stage approach, which utilises pretrained representations for lexical
tokens. In light of recent successes in large scale audio pretraining, we
revisit the performance comparison between two-stage and end-to-end model and
find that audio based language models pretrained using weak self-supervised
objectives match or exceed the performance of similarly trained two-stage
models, and further, that the choice of pretraining objective substantially
effects a model's ability to be adapted to the disfluency removal task.
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