Mitigating Adversarial Attacks in Federated Learning with Trusted
Execution Environments
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- Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 14:19:29 GMT
- Title: Mitigating Adversarial Attacks in Federated Learning with Trusted
Execution Environments
- Authors: Simon Queyrut, Valerio Schiavoni, Pascal Felber
- Abstract summary: In image-based applications, adversarial examples consist of images slightly perturbed to the human eye getting misclassified by the local model.
Pelta is a novel shielding mechanism leveraging Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) that reduce the ability of attackers to craft adversarial samples.
We show the effectiveness of Pelta in mitigating six white-box state-of-the-art adversarial attacks.
- Score: 1.8240624028534085
- License:
- Abstract: The main premise of federated learning (FL) is that machine learning model
updates are computed locally to preserve user data privacy. This approach
avoids by design user data to ever leave the perimeter of their device. Once
the updates aggregated, the model is broadcast to all nodes in the federation.
However, without proper defenses, compromised nodes can probe the model inside
their local memory in search for adversarial examples, which can lead to
dangerous real-world scenarios. For instance, in image-based applications,
adversarial examples consist of images slightly perturbed to the human eye
getting misclassified by the local model. These adversarial images are then
later presented to a victim node's counterpart model to replay the attack.
Typical examples harness dissemination strategies such as altered traffic signs
(patch attacks) no longer recognized by autonomous vehicles or seemingly
unaltered samples that poison the local dataset of the FL scheme to undermine
its robustness. Pelta is a novel shielding mechanism leveraging Trusted
Execution Environments (TEEs) that reduce the ability of attackers to craft
adversarial samples. Pelta masks inside the TEE the first part of the
back-propagation chain rule, typically exploited by attackers to craft the
malicious samples. We evaluate Pelta on state-of-the-art accurate models using
three well-established datasets: CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet. We show the
effectiveness of Pelta in mitigating six white-box state-of-the-art adversarial
attacks, such as Projected Gradient Descent, Momentum Iterative Method, Auto
Projected Gradient Descent, the Carlini & Wagner attack. In particular, Pelta
constitutes the first attempt at defending an ensemble model against the
Self-Attention Gradient attack to the best of our knowledge. Our code is
available to the research community at
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