Local Hamiltonian Problem with succinct ground state is MA-Complete
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.10155v2
- Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 04:56:48 GMT
- Title: Local Hamiltonian Problem with succinct ground state is MA-Complete
- Authors: Jiaqing Jiang
- Abstract summary: Finding the ground energy of a quantum system is a fundamental problem in condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry.
Existing classical algorithms for tackling this problem often assume that the ground state has a succinct classical description.
We study the complexity of the local Hamiltonian problem with succinct ground state and prove it is MA-Complete.
- Score: 0.788657961743755
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Finding the ground energy of a quantum system is a fundamental problem in
condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry. Existing classical algorithms
for tackling this problem often assume that the ground state has a succinct
classical description, i.e. a poly-size classical circuit for computing the
amplitude. Notable examples of succinct states encompass matrix product states,
contractible projected entangled pair states, and states that can be
represented by classical neural networks.
We study the complexity of the local Hamiltonian problem with succinct ground
state. We prove this problem is MA-Complete. The Hamiltonian we consider is
general and might not be stoquastic. The MA verification protocol is based on
the fixed node quantum Monte Carlo method, particularly the variant of the
continuous-time Markov chain introduced by Bravyi et.al. [BCGL22].
Based on our work, we also introduce a notion of strong guided states, and
conjecture that the local Hamiltonian problem with strong guided state is
MA-Complete, which will be in contrast with the QCMA-Complete result of the
local Hamiltonian problem with standard guided states [WFC23,GLG22].
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