TwinTex: Geometry-aware Texture Generation for Abstracted 3D
Architectural Models
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 12:33:53 GMT
- Title: TwinTex: Geometry-aware Texture Generation for Abstracted 3D
Architectural Models
- Authors: Weidan Xiong, Hongqian Zhang, Botao Peng, Ziyu Hu, Yongli Wu, Jianwei
Guo, Hui Huang
- Abstract summary: We present TwinTex, the first automatic texture mapping framework to generate a photo-realistic texture for a piece-wise planar proxy.
Our approach surpasses state-of-the-art texture mapping methods in terms of high-fidelity quality and reaches a human-expert production level with much less effort.
- Score: 13.248386665044087
- License:
- Abstract: Coarse architectural models are often generated at scales ranging from
individual buildings to scenes for downstream applications such as Digital Twin
City, Metaverse, LODs, etc. Such piece-wise planar models can be abstracted as
twins from 3D dense reconstructions. However, these models typically lack
realistic texture relative to the real building or scene, making them
unsuitable for vivid display or direct reference. In this paper, we present
TwinTex, the first automatic texture mapping framework to generate a
photo-realistic texture for a piece-wise planar proxy. Our method addresses
most challenges occurring in such twin texture generation. Specifically, for
each primitive plane, we first select a small set of photos with greedy
heuristics considering photometric quality, perspective quality and facade
texture completeness. Then, different levels of line features (LoLs) are
extracted from the set of selected photos to generate guidance for later steps.
With LoLs, we employ optimization algorithms to align texture with geometry
from local to global. Finally, we fine-tune a diffusion model with a multi-mask
initialization component and a new dataset to inpaint the missing region.
Experimental results on many buildings, indoor scenes and man-made objects of
varying complexity demonstrate the generalization ability of our algorithm. Our
approach surpasses state-of-the-art texture mapping methods in terms of
high-fidelity quality and reaches a human-expert production level with much
less effort. Project page:
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