Data-Driven Modeling of an Unsaturated Bentonite Buffer Model Test Under
High Temperatures Using an Enhanced Axisymmetric Reproducing Kernel Particle
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- Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 01:22:23 GMT
- Title: Data-Driven Modeling of an Unsaturated Bentonite Buffer Model Test Under
High Temperatures Using an Enhanced Axisymmetric Reproducing Kernel Particle
- Authors: Jonghyuk Baek, Yanran Wang, Xiaolong He, Yu Lu, John S. McCartney, and
J. S. Chen
- Abstract summary: In deep geological repositories for high level nuclear waste, bentonite buffers can capture temperatures higher than 100 degC.
In this work, a deep neural network (DNN)-based soil-water retention curve (SWRC) of bentonite is introduced and integrated into a Reproducing Kernel Particle Method (RKPM) for conducting THM simulations of the buffer.
For effective modeling of the tank-scale test, new axisymmetric Reproducing Kernel basis functions enriched with singular Dirichlet enforcement representing heater placement and an effective convective heat transfer coefficient.
- Score: 5.160473221022088
- License:
- Abstract: In deep geological repositories for high level nuclear waste with close
canister spacings, bentonite buffers can experience temperatures higher than
100 {\deg}C. In this range of extreme temperatures, phenomenological
constitutive laws face limitations in capturing the thermo-hydro-mechanical
(THM) behavior of the bentonite, since the pre-defined functional constitutive
laws often lack generality and flexibility to capture a wide range of complex
coupling phenomena as well as the effects of stress state and path dependency.
In this work, a deep neural network (DNN)-based soil-water retention curve
(SWRC) of bentonite is introduced and integrated into a Reproducing Kernel
Particle Method (RKPM) for conducting THM simulations of the bentonite buffer.
The DNN-SWRC model incorporates temperature as an additional input variable,
allowing it to learn the relationship between suction and degree of saturation
under the general non-isothermal condition, which is difficult to represent
using a phenomenological SWRC. For effective modeling of the tank-scale test,
new axisymmetric Reproducing Kernel basis functions enriched with singular
Dirichlet enforcement representing heater placement and an effective convective
heat transfer coefficient representing thin-layer composite tank construction
are developed. The proposed method is demonstrated through the modeling of a
tank-scale experiment involving a cylindrical layer of MX-80 bentonite exposed
to central heating.
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